GreenRope Blog

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We have a lot of love for our amazing clients that continue to provide us with great feedback every month. To say "Thank you!" for choosing GreenRope we took your feedback and made a few updates to the system.

Here is a look at all the updates and new features we added in February.


Contacts > Reports > CRM Activities - exports now include the contact ID in the first column

exports now include the contact ID

Contacts > Reports > Opportunities - opportunity custom field filters support "between" cases for date filters 

field filters support "between"


Website > Blog page - main blog page will read alt tags from individual blog article images to build blog summary 

alt tags from individual blog article images

Website > Signup Forms > EasyBuilder - the EasyBuilder now supports adding a header image to the top of the form

EasyBuilder now supports adding a header image



Apps > Projects - project tasks can start relative to when a previous task is completed (as opposed to when scheduled to be due/end)

tasks can start relative to when a previous task is completed

Apps > Projects - project tasks now can have reminder emails sent relative to task start 

reminder emails sent relative to task start


Settings > Group > Email/Web Options - for email profile updates, you can custom activate a workflow and redirect the user to a custom webpage 

Activate a workflow from the profile update


Apps > Learning - when inviting a student to take a course, you can now also simultaneously activate a workflow 

Activate a workflow when inviting students to your LMS course

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