GreenRope Blog

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January 2021 Monthly Updates 

With a new year comes new and improved system updates. As we continue to improve the platform we are excited to share with you all the new features and updates made to the GreenRope system in January based on your feedback. 

Here are all the updates and new features we added in January: 

Account Updates: 

WordPress plugin - Thin this update the GreenRope plug-in version allows for entering custom domain to support private label links domain, also tested in the latest version of WordPress. For more information about the GreenRope Wordpress plug-in, click here. 

Data Settings - Now in the Account Settings > Data Settings area, you have the option to add custom CSS styles in public-facing quotes and invoices. 



Subscriptions Costs - Subscription updates for new clients, existing clients are grandfathered at their current rates unless plans are exceeded or upgrades are required then new pricing will be applied.  


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CRM Activities - You can now update the order of your Activity Types by going to Account Settings - under Data Settings and updating the CRM activities using the selectors. You can also set default notes for activities by type.


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Contact Updates: 

CRM Activities Export - Contacts > Reports > CRM Activities > Export. Now when you export your CRM Activities the export file includes contact Phone and Mobile fields.



CRM Ticket Management - Located on the right column of the CRM Activities tab in any contact profile, the Tickets area now highlights both opened and closed tickets with checkboxes to show/hide open/closed tickets. This feature is activated in the contact profile after the contact has opened more than 5 tickets


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Email Updates: 

Profile Update/Unsubscribe - The Profile Update / Unsubscribe now logs IP address when changes are made to contact records. This information is visible in the contact record under Attributions > Permission Path. Also, all emails with profile update / unsubscribe links now use Cloudflare's anti-bot defense 


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New EasyBuilder Email templates - We are happy to introduce five new email templates available in the Email EasyBuilder.


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New Placeholder - When working in the Emailer use the Merge button to add personalization to your content, including the new to display the date the email is scheduled for delivery. 


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WYSIWYG Editor Updates

Lazy Loading - In the Emailer and Landing page editors when adding an image to your content there is a new setting for loading (Auto / Lazy / Eager) to control the loading priority of images on the page. 


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Invoices Placeholder - In the Emailer and Landing page editors the “Merge” feature now offers a new that lists quotes and invoices associated with the contact.  


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Images - In the WYSIWYG Editors the Icon folder now offers an array of new icons including silhouetted icons (black silhouettes and white silhouettes) for all major social media services (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, and Pinterest).

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Group Updates: 

Event Reminder Email - In the Group Settings under the Events Options tab there is a new option for embedding into automatic event reminder emails that will support not showing a time zone in the event start time.


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Projects Updates: 

Refresh - In the Apps > Projects page a new Refresh button has been added to the top right of the page. 

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LMS Updates: 

Tracking - We recently added tracking by chapter. The new progress bar moves with each chapter and the final chapter link does not appear until all other chapters are done, forcing students to go through all the content before reaching the testing page. 


Forum Updates:

Email Confirmations - The email confirmation for forums is now set by going to Group Settings > Email Sent From Email. 


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Calendar Updates: 

Booking Calendar Slots - In Settings > Calendar Settings, you can specify if the entire time slot is always visible or if only a smaller slot slice is seen when appointments are booked. 


Website Manager Updates: 

New Templates - We now offer five new landing page templates in the website manager’s Landing Page EasyBuilder.


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