GreenRope Blog

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2021 Monthly Updates Blog Header(1).png

Summer vacations are coming to an end as everyone gears up for back-to-school season to start. Pencils are being sharpened, the smell of glue sticks and chalkboards are in the air as teachers get classrooms ready for students to return. We have also been busy getting ready for the fall season with many GreenRope updates, check out our August system updates. 






Contacts > Reports > CRM Activities - when clicking on the chart to bring up activities, you can associate multiple activities with a selected group; also that list of activities now includes the group assigned to that activity 



Contacts > User Fields and in contact details - workflow icon next to the field shows automation associated with user field data change 





Contacts > Reports > Opportunities - when you click on a chart element, the results can be ordered and can be grouped by city/state/country or user field. 






Contacts > Reports > Export - in the HTML and CSV output, the group associated with the activity is now in the column after Assigned To and before Notes.




Email EasyBuilder 


Communicate > Easy Builder - Preview function can preview content for a specific contact based on the email address that is entered (with no email address, it shows raw placeholders)





Website > Storefront - when browsing items, the View Cart button will show the total amount of items in the cart 



Website > Storefront - when updating item options, the price value updates in realtime



Public facing website store will auto-populate shopping cart data based on cookie data



Website > Landing Page EasyBuilder - new widget that allows embedding store item into landing page, also some minor improvements to UI/UX



The public facing default Blog page (what shows up if you go directly to the Blog instead of to an individual blog post) now shows a summary of the last 5 articles with links to read more instead of the latest blog article 








Calendar > Event Details > Settings - 2 new custom background image settings - white text and no text 



Calendar > Event Details > Settings - new settings for automatic RSVP redirects to custom URLs upon an RSVP of Attending/Not Attending/Unsure 




Calendar Settings for Booking Calendars - support for custom text for "Add a Note" to request, minor UI improvements 





Account Settings 



Account Settings > Settings > Email Settings - can specify default font size for sending personal emails and for Communicate > Emailer 



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