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GreenRope's Top 5 LinkedIn Tips - Become a LinkedIn Master

We always hear about Facebook and Twitter, but what about LinkedIn? LinkedIn is where the real party is, especially for B2B companies and executives. So, what’s the one thing that separates LinkedIn from the rest? It’s the mindset that people have when they login to LinkedIn. Both Twitter and Facebook are more for entertainment and fun, while LinkedIn was made by and for professionals looking to expand their networks.

When a person logs in to LinkedIn they expect to see professional updates, industry news, and thought leadership, rather than pictures of adorable puppies and silly business memes. Regardless of how much we love seeing cute puppies, they are not going to sell your professional services.

Because LinkedIn serves as such a valuable resource for professionals everywhere, we wanted to share a couple of tips that we have learned to help you in your LinkedIn endeavors.

1. Make your profile shine. Your LinkedIn profile is your online business card. Complete your profile, and don’t leave anything out that you think is going to differentiate yourself. You know that little meter up at the top letting you know how complete your profile is? Well, you want it to be at 100%. This is who you are on the web, and your LinkedIn page usually pops up within the top 5 search results when Googled.

LinkedIn All Star

2. Connect, connect, connect. Many people will say to only connect with those that you know. We disagree. Connect with everyone! This is what LinkedIn is all about, networking. Connect with those that you know, and those you want to know. Of course, do not go in for the sell right away. Instead, make new friends, help others connect, and accept invitations to connect from those you don’t know. You never know what opportunities may come when you treat LinkedIn as an online, real-time networking event.

3. Be personable and resourceful. There are over 200 million LinkedIn profiles, and many of them are pretty boring to go through. Think about your updates, discussions, and descriptions of what you do. If you can make that interesting, your value as a connection and potential opportunity increases exponentially. Stick a great story in there, something that people enjoy reading rather than just a run of the mill resume.

4. Join Industry specific groups. LinkedIn groups are an amazing opportunity to position yourself as a thought leader and expert in your field. Chiming in on discussions, as well as sharing your blog posts, interesting articles, and asking the group questions encourages others to interact and engage with you. More often than not, if you have something interesting and valuable to say, people will end up checking out your profile.  LinkedIn groups can be a great place to generate leads as well as position you and your company as a leader in your field.

5. Endorse others! Recommend and endorse those that you know and people that you know have certain skills. Just like a letter of recommendation can be a very powerful thing, so can a LinkedIn recommendation or endorsement. This also gets people who may not have noticed before, to notice who you are. Believe me, most of the time they will return the favor. You will also give a positive first impression, and we all know how important that is, as you never get a second chance.

LinkedIn is a very powerful social network, and we often recommend that if you only have time for one social network, LinkedIn is key. So, start today by making your profile shine and taking advantage of the many features that LinkedIn has to offer.

Stay tuned for another blog post all about LinkedIn Company pages! 


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