GreenRope Blog

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October 2022 System Updates

Fall is officially here, and we are ready to celebrate with sweaters, hot cocoa, boots, crisp air, flushed cheeks, and a handful of amazing GreenRope updates! Do you have recommendations for future updates? Email us and let us know, we want to hear from you!



Website > Signup Forms > HTML - added link to QR code for the signup form 

Website > Tracking > GDPR - new GDPR tab with instructions on how to install a widget on your website for cookie acceptance 


Dashboard - CRM Outstanding Activities widget upon clicking for detail will show separate columns for 4 and 5+ days before/after today 



Contacts > Filters can now search on invoice line item text to find contacts who have been sent Invoices, quotes, or purchase orders with specific text in the line items of the invoice/quote/PO 


Automation > Workflow Manager - workflows can now send customized alert SMS messages 


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