GreenRope Blog

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July 2022 System Updates

July brings hot summer days filled with lazy days at the pool, picnics on river banks, and BBQs with friends and family. For our GreenRope family, we’re spending the summer bringing some great updates to the system. This month we’ve been focused primarily on making a lot of improvements to our Opportunities feature. 


Contacts > Reports > Opportunities - new filter for fulfillment date range



Contacts > Reports > Opportunities - new filter in the navigation to filter opportunities shown by products associated with those opportunities 



Contacts > Reports > Opportunities - new "Success Rate" chart graphically shows the value and number of opportunities by closed won/lost 



Settings > Opportunities > Stagnation - you can now have a workflow activated when an opportunity hits its stagnation threshold



Contacts > View > Opportunities - added proposal due date to Kanban card if defined



Contacts > View > Opportunities > Kanban - added new contact filter to reduce the opportunities shown to only those matching contact criteria



Settings > Account > Opportunity Settings - you can choose whether opportunities can be in multiple currencies or just in the currency the account has set for it



Contact Details > Opportunity - when editing an existing opportunity you can set a new associated contact as the primary contact for the opportunity



Contacts > Reports > Opportunities - clicking on the charts to show details will now show the opportunity ID next to the opportunity title (with a link to edit the opportunity), a few other minor cosmetic changes 



Signup Forms

Website > Signup Forms > Form Options - you can now define placeholder text that will go inside each open input text or text area field. 




Contacts > Tools > Clean - can now search and merge duplicates by mobile/phone numbers 



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