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10 Surprising Things You Didn't know about Client Services & Search Marketing Manager, Lisa Frampton
Disqualifying Leads Without Alienating Them as Future Customers - Part 2: Cultivating Non-Leads with Automated Marketing
4 Ways to Get Your Email Marketing in Front of the Right Audience Through Personalization & Segmentation
Total Cost of Ownership: What does it mean and how can you avoid costly, unsuccessful implementations.
6 Months in ReviewWe’ve had a lot of amazing updates so far in 2022! Here are a few of our favorite updates along with some notable shoutouts from amazing clients, given to our support team during a few of their 893 chats!
Website Manager UpdateA new option to set the Top Section of your landing page as “sticky” is now available. Selecting this option will anchor the top section of the landing page to the top of the page while visitors to the page scroll. Set the sticky option by going to Website > Landing Page EasyBuilder > Top Section.
SMS/MMS/Voice UpdatesCall Summary Transcriptions - If you choose to record calls, you can now add transcription summaries to your CRM to review lengthy conversations in seconds.
Ticket UpdatesBefore, when reviewing tickets you could only view the custom fields, not edit them. This has been upgraded so that when you are adding a ticket update you can now edit those custom ticketing fields. This is great in the event the submitter entered incorrect information, or the natural progression of the ticket has changed and you’d like those fields, including the title, to match the ticket content. (Apps > Ticketing)
When creating those, now editable, custom fields, you can specify default values for any Short Text or Open Text fields. This is an easy way to make a field template if you would like to request specific information from the submitter or if you would like to supply additional instructions for that specific field. (Apps > Ticketing > Custom Fields)
Opportunity UpdatesContacts > Reports > Opportunities - new report for Win/Loss Outcomes, showing the value and number of opportunities won/lost for reasons defined in Settings > Opportunities
Settings UpdateSettings > Opportunities - new tab for Outcomes, which allow you to specify the reasons why an opportunity was won/lost, after which they're defined, you will see checkboxes when editing/viewing opportunities (5 Mar 2022)