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GreenRope's Weekly Roundup

We hope that the month of May was packed with success and you and your team are ready for the month of June! If you’re not ready, don’t worry. We have packed this week’s weekly roundup with great and insightful articles to help you start on the right foot.


Four Ways to Improve your Website's Homepage Design

With the fast-paced world we live in, your business' webpage has to attract customer's attention at first glance. With so little room for error, and so much room for mistakes, we have found a great article that can help improve your homepage design and ensure you're making the right first impression.

Landing Page

Four Website Content Must Haves to Drive Traffic, Boost Leads, and Soar Sales!

Getting people to your site is an obstable in itself, but that's only half the battle. Now that you have them on your page, you need to make sure they stick around by providing valuable and relevant information.

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new technology stock photo

Failed Connections: Why Your Content Isn't Landing

The article above gave some great tips to drive traffic, boost leads, and increase sales, but are you adding too much fluff? This article helps you eliminate some unnecessary content that could be hurting you rather than helping you.  Remember, valuable and relevant information is what your customers are after.

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Content Marketing


Make Them Trust You With These 5 Body Language Secrets

Actions speak louder than words, and so does your body lanauge. Check out these 5 body lanuage secrets to you may not realize you're doing.


Body Language

Think Strategy Not Tactics to Generate More Leads with LinkedIn

Marketing Leaders on LinkedIn have their arsenal of tactics, but where’s the strategy that wins the battle? What happens after you get a prospect to read your posts? Develop your strategy with helpful tips and business insight from the pros.

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5 Essential Basics of a Small Business Domain Name Strategy

Trademarking your brand is one thing, but you’re not done yet. Claiming your domain name is just as important. Read this article to help you development and implement a domain name strategy for your business today.




10 Behaviors of Unstoppable Entrepreneur

If you're an entrepreneur, you may want to give this list a glance. If you haven't adopted these behaviors yet, then you may need to rethink your strategy.



9 Common Mistakes That May Kill Your Business Online

Social networking and webpages that are mobile friendly are must haves in today's business world, but is it enough?

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5 Marketing Tips for the Entrepreneur Without Marketing Experiences

When starting your own business, you may not need a whole marketing team, but marketing is definitely plays a key factor in your success. Here are some simple tips to market your business without having the marketing experience.


Marketing Strategy

Thanks for reading and look out for next week's Weekly Roundup as we start into the month of June!


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