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10 Surprising Things You Didn't know about Client Services & Search Marketing Manager, Lisa Frampton
Disqualifying Leads Without Alienating Them as Future Customers - Part 2: Cultivating Non-Leads with Automated Marketing
4 Ways to Get Your Email Marketing in Front of the Right Audience Through Personalization & Segmentation
Total Cost of Ownership: What does it mean and how can you avoid costly, unsuccessful implementations.
Optimum Condition Fully automated SMS Nurturing Campaign to encourage fitness routines during work
We recently sat down with long-time client, Melissa Allen, founder and personal trainer of Optimum Condition, to discuss their innovative use of GreenRope’s SMS campaign features. Optimum Condition is a San Diego based company helping individuals and small groups improve their physical health through rehab, training, and coaching services. Like many organizations, Optimum Condition had to adapt to a new way of providing essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to their extensive personal training, rehabilitation, and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization services, they expanded their health coaching services to include both face-to-face and phone options, including text, to continue educating clients online through the pandemic. What Inspired The SMS Campaign Idea? Melissa, and her team, specialize in functional fitness for individuals who are new to exercise or have had previous injuries. During her many years in the health industry, Melissa noticed more and more people suffering from sciatica and other painful issues as a direct result of sitting in a desk chair for long periods of time. She was concerned that the sudden shift to remote working would impact patients’ physical health even more as they were unable to seek physical assistance during those crazy months when the world seemingly stopped altogether. The end goal quickly became to create an easy way to virtually remind people to stay active throughout their workday. Melissa created the “Desk Job Personal Trainer” as a way to keep patients physically engaged throughout the day. This new idea would use text messaging as a way to remind and encourage people to move every 20, 30, or 45 minutes. Who is the target audience? Melissa explained that anyone who works from home, in the seated position is a prime candidate for Optimum Condition’s new virtual personal trainer program. The SMS text messaging campaign focuses on:
How did GreenRope’s features help launch this campaign? The SMS campaign tool in GreenRope sends a quick text to clients at different intervals (20-40 minutes) depending on which journey you choose. To launch this campaign, Melissa implemented the following steps:
How do contacts start on the Personal Trainer SMS campaign? Contacts need to be in Optimum Health’s GreenRope account to start the campaign. To encourage new participants to opt-in, Melissa did the following:
Using automatic keyword opt-ins, Melissa manages contacts throughout their campaign journey. Contacts can start, stop, or repeat the campaign by responding to the text with specific key phrases such as “Stop”, “Pause”, “Start”, etc. Using GreenRope, Melissa defines these keywords and triggers specific automation to further personalize each customer experience to meet individual patient needs. How Has the Campaign Strategy Changed? Melissa stated, “you are always learning and adapting your approach.” After testing the 20-minute reminder campaign, she found many people felt the time between texts was not significant enough. Using the same content, Melissa expanded on this campaign to include 30-minute and 45-minute intervals. She shares how “the ability to duplicate processes has saved so much time. What’s great about GreenRope is that all of these features are already included. I can test my ideas in real-time, see the results, and easily make adjustments.” - Melissa Allen Takeaway GreenRope's complete CRM has been assisting clients like Optimum Condition adapt in an increasingly digital world for years. Elevating customer experience strategies through our exclusive features, making innovation easy for thousands of businesses worldwide. Learn more about Optimum Condition science based training here.